'Soma is matched up against Kinokuni, a master of Japanese cuisine with a specialization in soba. Wanting a fair fight, she lets soba pull from the machine to pick their random topic and he gets... soba. No one is more surprised than Kinokuni, but the topic doesn\'t bode well for Soma! Crunchyroll Collection brings you the latest clips, OPs and more from your favorite anime! Don\'t have time for a full episode but want to catch up on the best scenes? We\'ve got them! CHECK OUT OUR OTHER SERIES! Learn about your favorite anime studios!
Tags: japan , Anime , PART 2 , anime full episode , crunchyroll , anime trailer , anime preview , crunchyroll collection , season 4 , food wars , season 3 , soma , the third plate , Shokugeki , s4 , souma , episode 22 , s3 , ep22
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